To process your order we need certain information regarding the special event or location you want to use on the glasses.

Line 1: This is the descriptor or place name or name(s). You should enter this information in the special instructions field located on the shopping cart page at checkout.

Line 2 and 3: This is the latitude and longitude. We determine these coordinates for you using different mapping software available for non-military use. It is generally accurate to a five foot radius. To get to the latitude and longitude, we need a street address for the location you want to include on the glasses. In the address field of the order page you need to include the address. If you'd like to use a different address then the billing or shipping address of your order, please make comment about that with the exact address in the special instructions field on the shopping cart page prior to checkout. PLEASE NOTE that sometimes we are unable to pinpoint an exact location based on an address provided by a customer. In that case we will need to speak directly to the customer via email or phone to make sure we correctly assign the latitude and longitude of the location they’ve identified with their order.

Line 4 (4-line option): This is the date expressed in month, date, year, e.g. July 4, 1776, of your special event whether an anniversary, wedding date, first date, etc. the choice is yours.  You should also enter this information in the special instructions field located on the shopping cart page at checkout.